Friday, February 12, 2010

Don't Kiss Your Honey....

When your nose is runny, cause you may think it's funny but it's snot!

On Thursday Ollie had an appointment in Birmingham for a monthly checkup and a pulmonary function test.  She has been battling a head cold with terrible congestion and a runny constantly licking her upper lip runny. A pulmanary function test is done to see how well the lungs function. With this test, doctors are able to see if there is an area of the lungs that needs attention and can treat it before it becomes a problem. It can also tell us if we are on the right track and doing all we can to keep Ollie healthy.

The appointment was for 8:30 AM so we headed up Wednesday night and spent a little time with John's brother Jep and sis in law, Valerie. Of coarse our visit mainly consisted of sitting around Ollie, facinated by her reactions to Dred (their almost 100 lb pitt bull). We had a good time hanging out and O loved scooting around their house, chasing after the dog and exploring new things.

The next morning prior to our checkup was a little hectic. Ollie couldn't eat within 4 hours of the pulmanary test. We decided to wake and feed her at 4:30, which went better than expected. She drank an entire bottle and went right back to sleep. Once we arrived at the clinic, we were taken right in to begin the process of the test. Good thing too cause lil O was starting to get hungry.

In order to get accurate readings, Ollie needed to be asleep. She was given a siringe of some nasty stuff to drink. It took a little coaxing to get her to drink it all...YUCK! She was OUT in less than 5 minutes. When I say out, I mean like, head wobbling backwards and all. She was taken back to the exam room to begin the test and we were sent to the lobby to wait. The good part was that we met with her nutritionist during this time (something we do at every checkup). After a about and hour and a half, we were called back to talk with the doctor and to see Ollie. As it turns out, the test could not be done due to hiccups. The runny nose made her snore a bit as well.

The funny part was that she was so doped up from the magic sleeping drink. She would spill milk all down her chin and laugh about it. She was really funny!

Although her test could not be done, her checkup went very well. Her weight gain is good and her lungs sound good. We should get the results from her culture sometime next week. Pseudomonas has stayed away for over 2 months now and we hope that this culture will be negative and O continues to live bacteria free.

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