Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Our First Hospital Stay

Ollie had a monthly check up this past Friday. All checked out pretty good. I say this because the main concern for CF patients is bacteria present in the lungs that could turn into an infection. At each monthly visit they swab Ollie's throat to see what grows. Therefore we wait on pins and needles for a few days to hear what is going on. Usually, the longer the wait, the better, meaning nothing has grown and Ollie can resume normal life without inhaled antibiotics. If the call comes within a few days of the visit it's not good.

As soon as I saw the 205 number on my phone screen this morning my heart automatically started pounding, my palms grew sweaty and my voice became weak. I could barely muster out a simple "hello". I instantly knew it was bad. I was right. It was Dr. Hoover. Ollie's main CF doctor. He has never called. It's usually a nurse. Bad, bad, bad! Anyway, the pseudomonas we have been fighting basically since birth is still present. Don't get me wrong, it was gone for a short month, but has returned and has no plan on leaving. Our only option is to admit Ollie into Children's hospital to receive antibiotics through an IV. Our goal is to wipe out this bacteria with a strong 2 week dose. Yes, we will be in the hospital. Dr. Hoover let us know that she would need to stay for a minimum of 5 days with a posibility of staying the entire 2 weeks. If and only if we can leave after 5 days, Ollie will still have the IV. She will just have the IV in the comforts of her own home. We will be checking into Children's in Birmingham this Thursday morning. Keep in mind that Ollie is not sick. She's not on her death bed (I have to put this out there cause of the silly rumor spreading people in our town). She shows no symptoms and behaves like any normal 5 month old.....I hope all the crazy things she does is normal. We just have to be proactive. Please keep Ollie in your prayers. Pray that the pseudomonas will go away and pray for strength for Ollie, John, myself and our family as we try to keep our hopes up while away from our normal and comfortable life. I will keep you updated.

As for the walk....

I will try to be there. I want now, more than ever to kick CF butt!! If I am not able to make it, please go and walk for Ollie. We need your support now more than ever. My sister Lesley will be there to lead the way. I want everyone to realize now the importance of raising money, awareness and finding a cure!


Shonna said...

Hey Sweet Friend!! I Love You and your husband and baby!!! We will most surely be praying for ALL of you:) C and I plan to be at the walk Saturday...Lynsey or no Lynsey! Caroline is already talking about it nonstop!!

PS I have my $$$...and then some:)

Lori said...

Jack and I will be there with our walking shoes on!!

So sorry that sweet Ollie has to stay in the hospital but we're all going to be there Saturday fighting for her!

Ginny said...

OP, we will fight for you on Saturday in Crestview...you fight in B'ham so you can come soon! We are praying for all three of you constantly.

Ginny said...

That is supposed to say come HOME soon...oops. Love you sweet girl.

The Macks said...

We'll be there too to kick some CF Butt! Praying for Ollie! We pray that she is as comfortable as possible and she gets to come home sooner than expected!

Julie said...

I'll be there walking for a cure!!! I pray for God's comfort and peace during one of these 'hurdles' in sweet little Ollie's life. We'll fight to help kick some CF butt so Ollie will no longer have these hurdles to jump over or anyone else dealing with CF. I'll continue to lift ALL of you up in prayer. Love and prayers.....

The Chapmans said...

Just know we are praying for all of you. I just know that Ollie can get rid of this bacteria and keep shaking that foot :)!! Let us know if there is anything we can do for you while you are away. We love yall!