Monday, April 20, 2009

37 Weeks 2 Days

Less than 3 weeks till my due date but hoping she comes sooner. I had a Doctor's appointment this morning and everything is moving as it should. Ollie has dropped and is in position for delivery...yay!! She could come at any moment now or we have the option to induce at around 39 weeks. Keep in mind that John works 2 1/2 hours away, so if we can have somewhat of a plan, it would be nice. That means only 2 weeks to go!! Hopefully she decides to come on her own, and soon! I'll keep you doctor's appointment is Monday, April 27th.


Lori said...

We had decided to induce at 39 weeks to insure that Ben was home and then J came at 38 weeks and Ben missed the whole thing:( I actually wasn't that sad b/c I was SOOOO ready, but I hated it for him. If he had been 2 hours away, though, there would have been plenty of time so I'm sure John will make it home. I always say, "the sooner the better" with pregnancy, but you may be having a better experience than I did! Either way, I know you guys are getting so excited!!

Tara said...

I know you can't wait to meet her!! I was induced with both Towns and Cate and wouldn't do anything differently if we had another one. It was WONDERFUL (I'm anal and have to have it all planned out) and went so smooth. Who is your doctor and where are you delivering?? Fill me in!

Shonna said...

I say NOOOOO to inducing!! I was induced at 41 weeks and it was HORRIBLE...I will spare you all the details, but I never want to do it again!!!

BTW, a little birdy told me you were on bed rest...any truth to that one?? If so, you better stay out of those flower beds:)!!

The Macks said...

How exciting! You look great! I can't wait to see little Ollie. Take it easy the next few weeks.

Julie said...

How EXCITING!!! John Parker was born a day after his expected arrival date--all on his own. With Sawyer, I was induced @ 39 weeks b/c I was using Flowers Hospital in Dothan and I didn't want to be stranded on the highway and have Jeremy deliver his son!:) Plus, I had a very smooth and quick labor with JP so my doc thought it was best to go the induction route with Sawyer. It, too, was GREAT and smooth. SO.....I guess I'm saying I don't have a preference, but it did help me plan who was going to keep John Parker(since I'm a little anal myself)!! Everybody is different as well as every labor. We pray that yours will go smooth and quick and you'll be able to hold your little girl really soon!!!! YAY!! Can't wait to see that beautiful little girl. Your're still ALL baby!!