Thursday, June 4, 2009

One Month O

Little O is one month old today. So much has changed in this past month and our lives have been blessed because of our sweet baby girl. At Ollie's one month check up this morning she weighed in at 7 lbs 10 oz. She has gained over a pound in less than 2 weeks.....YAY!!! She is doing great. She is now eating close to 4 oz at each feeding (in around 10 minues). Thank you Ginny for the Dr. Brown's bottles recommendation. She LOVES the bottles and so do we. (It was taking us over an hour to get her to eat just 2 oz before with another brand of bottles.) Ollie loves to be held and talked to (she even likes my singing). Chilling in her vibrating bouncer and hanging out in her swing are her favorite past times (besides eating and sleeping). She has also started to really observe the things around her and loves being outside. With all that being said, life is perfect, O.P. is perfect and we couldn't be happier!

1 comment:

Shonna said...

That weight gain is GREAT news! So glad y'all are doing well and Happy One Month to Little Miss O!!!