Monday, April 6, 2009

Surprise, Surprise

I am fortunate enough to have several good friends and co-workers who care enough to provide food, fellowship and most important baby gifts!! A few weeks ago my friends at the office surprised me with a baby shower. I had no idea what was going on and actually thought I was in trouble until I got in the conference room and there was food and gifts every where. I can honestly say that it was a real surprise and caught me completely off guard! Thank you to all that helped, I had a wonderful time!

My beautiful cake!

Gifts for Ollie.

Oink, oink baby.

One of the many gifts.


Shonna said...

That cake is AMAZING and cute pics of you (and Ollie)!!

It was great seeing you at the shower on Saturday- you racked up! Let me know if there is anything I can help you with...I'm available:) Love you!

The Macks said...

Whew! You had me going with that headline...surprise, surprise. Hope all is well! See you soon! :)

Julie said...

That cake is too pretty to cut into!!! I know that you are counting down the weeks, days, hours, and seconds until Ollie's arrival--won't be long!!!! Have fun looking at ALL of your baby gifts and imagine Ollie wrapped up so snug-as-a-bug in that beautiful crochet blanket.