Monday, November 30, 2009


Before I became a mom, I was thankful. I was thankful for life and most all that came along with it. Before Ollie was born, I had no idea just how thankful I could be. I am beyond thankful. My cup runs over with thanks. I thank God everyday for my Ollie and everything she does. She is my little hero, my sweet angel and my funny boogie baby! Life cannot be much better (well, unless there was a cure for CF, but I think you all know that)! I would like to take a moment to list the things in which I am thankful for.

Ollie-Just a smile from this small creature brings joy to my heart.
John-My husband, my best friend, the world's best daddy.
Family-without them I would be lost.
Our Home-A house is made of boards and beams but a Home is made of love and dreams.
My Friends-all my friends and for the new friends I have made.
My community-who comes together to give support and strength in times of need.
Children's Hospital-who finds a solution even when you think the battle is lost.
Singer/brother-what can I say, I love to sew!

I have a million other things to be happy for, I also have a million other things to do. So, moving on....

Here are a few pictures taken on Thanksgiving day. Of course Ollie was sporting her handmade turkey shirt, along with matching pants (handmade, might I add) and hair bow (yep, made it too). Me and the singer are tight!


Lori said...

Sweet post and you know how I love those turkey shirts! :)

Julie said...

Precious!!! JP and Sawman sported their turkey shirts over the holidays! I'll have to post a pic soon!! :) See you at the Christmas party this weekend?!?!?! After the SEC game of course...;) Roll Tide!!