Tuesday, August 11, 2009

who who who who?

Ollie has been very vocal lately, especially when she wants something or just wants attention. Her new sounds change from day to day but this one stuck around for a while. I haven't heard it in the past few days and maybe she has moved on...hopefully! I love everything my sweet baby does, but after a 3o-45 minute car ride hearing nothing but this, it kinda wears on you. Anyway here is Ollie and her who who who who! It reminds me of the sounds Forrest Gump made while sitting on the front porch, but I promise she didn't learn it the same way he did! ;)


Nancy, Jeremy, Jack, and Julianne said...

So sweet, believe it or not you will miss it when she moves on to her next sound.

Lori said...

This is unbelievably cute! You should ask her what sound an owl makes and then tape her saying that. That's what it sounds like to me althought Forrest Gump is funnier!!

Jeremie Shaffer said...

I could totally eat her up!!!! She is so precious!

The Macks said...

I love it!

Sage said...

She is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I miss you guys!!