Sunday, August 2, 2009

We have been one busy little family here lately and I will be more than happy when things slow down a bit. Here's just a few things that have been going on.....

Ollie's daddy bought her a new toy! She has been trying to push herself to stand up while being held so we thought this would be great excercise for her little legs as well as wonderful entertainment. We placed a box under her feet since they don't quite touch the ground. She loves the new jumperoo and sometimes gets a little overwhelmed from all the new and exciting toys it has.

We've had a few visitors (besides my sis who visits just about everyday-We love you Aunt Essie!) . Kellie came to meet Ollie yesterday. She is in town for a few days so made a special stop to see little O.
Shonna and Caroline also came by yesterday. I always love seeing Caroline! (and you too Shonna). Caroline helped with feeding Ollie. She did a great job! I can't believe Caroline will be 3 this month! Happy Birthday C! We love you!

It was wonderful to get to visit with friends! We don't see each other enough!

Ollie also had her first trip to the First Methodist Church nursery. She looked so cute. I think the nursery workers fought over her just a bit.....

And last, we have been busy planning the Ollie's Army Gantt Lake Poker Run. The Poker Run is just a few weeks away, August 22nd. I hope that you will all spread the word and come out and support Ollie's Army. Everyone is welcome to come and participate in the run (which will be done by boats going to various piers on Gantt). If you don't have a boat, come on up and I sure we can find someone for you to ride with. If Poker is not your thing come out for a day of swimming and watching the boats go by. We will have music, food, a raffle and a wet slide for the kids. It all kicks off around 1:00 and proceeds go to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

*We also still have Ollie's Army t-shirts. $15

With all that being said, I'm suprised I had enough time to type this post! I better go get busy!


Shonna said...

Pretty picture of Ollie and her mama!!!

It was great visiting with y'all Saturday and no, we don't see each other enough...we have got to get better at that!!! The picture of our girls is precious:) Caroline totally enjoyed giving Ollie her bottle - it made her feel "really big"!

Ginny said...

It was great to have the Dubose family with us at FUMC yesterday. I am sure that WHG was a perfect example in the nursery for Ollie Pearl, hahaha.

Kelly said...

Hey Lyndsey! Little O is so stinkin' cute! Love the picture of her playing in her jumparoo with that BIG smile on her face. I wanted to ask you how I could order an "ollie's army" t-shirt. I probably need a medium. Thanks!

L and C said...

Look at how sweet Ollie is -- always a smile on that beautiful face! Larry's birthday is the day after the poker run, so I am hoping that Chad, Liv and I will be able to be up there!