Friday, January 8, 2010

Ollie and I are both so excited that John will be home tonight (weather permitting). As I type this blog, he is in the air somewhere between Vegas and The ATL. Yay! John has been away from home since Tuesday morning and we have missed him bunches. He and his brother Jerry, flew out to Vegas Wednesday morning where they met up with some friends and did a little gambling. Thursday morning, in a rented car, they drove on down to Pasadena for the Rose Bowl. He had an awesome time, especially since Alabama won!

He are some things Ollie and I have done since he's been gone. As you read this, keep in mind that I am an AUBURN fan through and through but I did cheer for Alabama last night. Why is the world would I want Texas to win. Ollie has been practicing on clapping skills and I had good intentions to send this video to John before the game. Ollie is decked from head to toe in Alabama...even her socks. And, for the record, her shirt says something to the liking of "you'll be crawling too, when the Crimson Tide is through with you".

This morning Ollie and I decided to make a surprise for daddy as a "welcome home, we love you". We made John a chocolate cake with cream cheese icing. Just to add to color I put an Alabama "A" on it. It is taking lots of strength to keep out of it. Yummy! As the cake baked I feed O. She ate so much food tonight. Sweet peas and squash and sweet potatoes (all with loads of butter). She then topped it off with a cookie. As she ate her cookie, I added icing to the cake. She finished the cookie and was getting a little fussy so I improvised (she needs to gain weight, right?). I will probably regret this later.

Of course, next it was bath time. Wow! She was a mess but LOVED every minute of that icing. She is also saying who she loves the most-Mama.

The Alabama Cake. YUMMY!

Do you remember when I said I would probably regret this later? Well, below is later. :)

Now, hurry home daddy so we can get some hugs and eat some cake!


Ginny said...

Ollie you are sooo cute!

Julie said...


Jerms said...

Frank says it looks like we've got a new Lord of the Dance! How do you think Opie Pie would look in lights on Broadway?

Too funny! Thanks for sharing! She's growing so fast and she's so cute! Glad y'all are doing well and the pseudomonas is still gone! Praise God!

Tara Harden said...

That icing video is sooo funny. Ollie is so so cute. Can she be Porter's girlfriend???