Thursday, October 1, 2009

Might Be A While

Ollie's main Doctor made a visit a few hours ago and through out the conversation he kept saying 2 weeks. YUCK! The problem seems to be lack of medical services that come into the home each day to help administer the drugs. In Andalusia there is not a service of this nature for babies. I want whats best for O and I know that the Doc is doing what he feels he needs to do, it just stinks! I just think that there will be several times in her life when she will be hospitalized due to sickness, but as of now she is fine. Please understand that pseudomonas is very serious and it is important to try and knock it out with these antibiotics, but Ollie is not sick from it, it's just present. Anyway, we will stay and try to take advantage of having absolutely nothing to do besides hang out and play with O.

As for little Ollie, she is a trooper. Her picc line (IV) is in place and we are waiting for the first round of antibiotics. Just to fill everyone in-A picc line is a small, small catheder type thing inserted into a vein and then fed through the vein all the way to her chest. This means no burning at the place of entrance and the drugs can get to the main veins in her body to ensure they fight the infection/bacteria. It sounds and looks worse than it is in the side of her head. She doesn't even know it's there. Looks like those cute little headbands will come in handy to cover it up.

I've had some people ask for room # and address for where we are and I finally found it-

Children's Hospital
1600 7th Avenue South, Tower 5, Room 545
Birmingham, AL. 35233

Thank you for all the prayers!!!


the jewells said...

Y'all are in our prayers. Keep us updated!

Shonna said...

So glad that everything is going well so far and we all know what a trooper Ollie is...she really doesn't have a choice:) Hope y'all get some rest tonight and thanks for the update!!

BTW, thanks for the address!!

christian bentley said...

Hey Lynsey! I just realized that you are all in B-ham. Good Luck! Give O some love from me and Asher. Sorry you won't be at the walk on Saturday, but we'll be thinking about you all. One last thing...Pseudomonas sucks! I love you!

Lori said...

I'm so glad that she's not aware of the IV!! That was my biggest hope for you guys right now:) And you do have all those great bows!!

Ready to fight CF tommorrow!!

Julie said...

I pray that time will fly by quickly so you three are able to get back home SOON!!!

Your sweet sis, Leslie, brought me my shirt today. I'm soooo ready to wear it tomorrow and help kick some CF butt!!!!! I'm bringing my camera with me and will be glad to take some pics for you.