Thursday, January 21, 2010

Crash Course

I know, I know! I've been hearing it for the past week-Why haven't you blogged lately? Well to answer that question is quite easy.....Ollie, A.K.A. Boogie Monster! I've recently added the monster. Come on over to my house and see her around 6 or 7 at night. The time when she should be winding down she is a total MoNsTeR!

Anyway, here is a little crash course of what Boogie has been up to:

Ollie is pulling up and standing. She's doing quite well but has yet to master the sitting back down part. All day I am sitting her back down only to be followed by her pulling right back up. It really stinks at night when she pulls up and cries because we can't just tune her out. Knowing that she is scared and can't get back down we are in and out of her room until she falls asleep. (I am open to suggestions)

Her favorite toy (of the day, this particular day anyway) is this little activity center. She will stand up at it and bang away. I am now hearing (and other moms will understand this) blue, yellow, 1, 2,3, green, a,b,c, 4, 5,6, blue, red, yellow, l, m, n,o,p, up, down, open, close, hello, blue, red, green, 1,2,3,4,5,6, bye, bye, red, 1,2,3, lights on, lights off. Yeah, it's that random cause she just bangs away at it and to top it off, it's usually accompanied by her shouting, BYE, BYE, BYE, BYE, MA,MA,MA,DA,DA,DA,DA.
Moving on.

Ollie has finally made her way up to what we refer to as "big girl bath". No more whale tub. She loves playing and splashing around. Looks like lots of trips to the pool and beach this summer...we've got a little fish on our hands!

Ollie has also made new friends. This is Sally Seahorse and she gets SUPER excited everytime she sees her.

Ollie is now drinking out of a sippy cup....well a little anyway but were working on it. Sometimes she loves it, other times she wants her bottle. I will be so happy when I no longer have to wash bottles...UGHHH.

Lately I have been trying to exercise more as well as spend quality time with O, soooo I've combined the two. Today Ollie had her first trip around the nature trail. She LOVED it...I mean seriously! Smiling the whole time. Guess there will be more walks in our future.
She also takes part in my home workouts. I have to use her play mat for my knees and sit ups and she makes sure to crawl over, plop down on the mat and clap. Guess she's letting me know that it belongs to her.

And, you can't go to the nature trail without a quick stop at the Dream Park. However, it was roped off but don't fret. Being the rebels we are, we marched on in like we owned the place and played on the swings for a little while.

Dang, alot has been going on...let's speed it up

Playing in sheets.

Putting hand prints in concrete (in our new drive might I add-whoop, whoop!).

Looking adorable in her new pink monkey PJ's from Aunt Sherri.

And I can't have a post without a video clip.

Here are some of O's dance moves. She loves music and loves to clap. When she hears any kind of music, she will stop mid crawl sit back and dance and clap. She also claps during car rides. It's pretty cute.

Whew! That only took me like 4 days to finish!
Now, if you made it this far into the post, you are a pretty dedicated Ollie follower so I need your help. I am currently working on a cookbook as a fundraiser for Ollie's Army and I need recipes. If you would like to share you recipe, please e-mail me at Cookbooks will have pictures of Ollie and friends as well as many recipes from the community. This is a really easy way for you to help us cook up a cure for CF. Ads are also available for purchase. Please contact me for details.
Live, Love, Breathe!


From The Ground Up... said...

Love the updates!! Ollie is getting more and more precious!! Give her a hug and kiss for us!

Lori said...

I really enjoyed the updates, too! I won't give you any pointers on how to get Ollie to sleep since I put my child in bed by 9:00 and he normally goes to sleep around midnight!! Got any pointers for me??? :) She's a doll!

Ginny said...

OPD is so precious! I love the dancin!! I promise I am going to have you a recipe by the end of the that ok??